科研论文 国际A3 A Mutual Evaluation Mechanism in Distributed Intrusion Detection System based on Semantic Network" in Proc. 4th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, pp.499-500, 2008. 科研论文 国际A3 Semantic Shift Detection in Semantic Web" in Proc. 5th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, pp.416-417, 2009. 科研论文 国际A3 Ke Ren, Zhixing Huang , Anping zhao , Yuhui Qiu, Integrate Fuzzy Logic into SLN, Semantics Knowledge and Grid (SKG), 2011 Seventh International Conference.
科研论文 国际A3 任柯,黄智兴,邱玉辉,基于主题模型的跨学科协作文献推荐,《计算机科学》,pp.***,第九期,2012. 主持项目 银河游戏国际网站基本科研业务费 任柯,吴松,基于主题模型的不确定语义链模型研究 主持 主持项目 银河游戏国际网站校青年基金 任柯,分布式入侵检测系统研究 主持 科研论文 国际A3 赵安平,任柯,王晓勇,邱玉辉,基于分级结构的服务语义关系发现,《计算机科学》,vol.38(2),pp.***,2011. 科研论文 国际A3 Anping Zhao, Ke Ren, Xiaoyong Wang, Yuhui Qiu, “An Approach to Service Set Mining for Improving SWS Based Supply Chains Coordination,” in Proc. 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management, pp.1353-1356,2010. (EI 20102312981780) 科研论文 国际A3 Anping Zhao, Ke Ren, Xiaoyong Wang, Yuhui Qiu, "SWS Based Business Service Composition," in Proc.2010 International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning, pp.93-97,2010. (EI 20102012929406) 科研论文 国际A3 Anping Zhao, Xiaoyong Wang, Ke Ren, Yuhui Qiu, "Semantic Message Link Based Service Set Mining for Service Composition," in Proc. 5th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, pp.338-341, 2009. (EI 20101012758113) 主研项目 重庆市科委 王芳,黄智兴,任柯,基于语义链网络的智能过滤技术研究 主研第二