近年项目: 基于语义网格的资源服务协同发现研究 教育部,2007-01-01 至 2009-08-31,主研 智能内容过滤技术在教育信息网的应用研究,银河游戏国际网站博士基金,主持 网络课件与教学资源库整和研究,主研 基于知识标引的数字文献资源库研究,主研 基于主题图的新型网络课程研究,主研 远程教育,主研
近两年科研论文: 1,"Automated composition of semantic web service using data mediator and complete backward tree","International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, CSSE 2008",2008年12月12日,EI收录 2,Research on the RSM-Based multidimensional recommendation,"the 4th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge, and Grid, SKG 2008,",2008年12月3日,EI收录 3,A grid based graphics rendering design,"2009 International Forum on Information Technology and Applications",2009年5月15日,EI收录 4,A fuzzy reputation based ant algorithm for grid scheduling, "the 2009 International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization",2009年4月24日,EI收录 5,A new concept model RSRM-based SLN schema application,"2009 International Conference on E-Business and Information System Security",2009年5月23日, EI收录 6,Representing learning peer-model based on FOAF,"the 1st International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science,",2009年3月7日,EI收录