主持与主研项目列表: 2018.4-2020.12,主持教育部中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目:“基于决策模式的演化博弈动力学” 2018.7-2020.7,主持重庆市研究生教育教学改革研究项目“新工科背景下计算机类工程硕士研究生培养模式探索与研究” 2017.1-2019.12 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金“网络演化博弈关键干预机制研究”; 2017.1-2018.13 主持银河游戏国际网站教改项目“基于MOOC的混合教学改革与探索”; 2015年至今 主持银河游戏国际网站博士基金一项; 2013至2015年 主持教育部中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目:“基于多属性信息融合的路径寻优算法研究”; 2013年 主持横向项目“推理融合算法研究”; 2013年 参研国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划) 课题“基于内容理解的高融合度增强现实技术与系统”; 2013年 参研国家自然科学基金面上项目“土壤水力侵蚀电化学成因的计算机模拟研究”; 2012年 主持横向项目“江津区大垭村生态村建设规划”; 2011年 参研国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于广义证据理论的非完备信息融合研究”(编号:61174022); 2011年 参研重庆市科技攻关计划项目“柑橘土壤水分养分实时监测的无线传感器网络应用关键技术研究与示范”(编号:2011GGB018); 2010至2013年 主持教育部中央高校基本科研业务费一般项目:“基于复杂网络聚类的信息融合研究”(编号:XDJK2010C030,被评为结题优秀); 2008年 主持横向项目:重庆市合川区太和丝绸有限公司废水治理项目可行性研究; 部分发表论文列表: 2019年 Jia Pu, Tao Jia, Ya Li*, Effects of time cost on the evolution of cooperation in snowdrift game, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2019, 125, 146-151 SCI 2018年 Ya Li*, Shanxiong Chen, BenNiu, Reward depending on public funds stimulates cooperation in spatial prisoner’s dilemma games, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2018, 114, 38-45 SCI 2017年 Yifan Zhang, Gang Shu, Ya Li*, Strategy-updating depending on local environment enhances cooperation in prisoners dilemma game, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017, 301, 224-232 SCI Wang, Hong; Zuo, Lulu; Liu, Jia; Yang, Chen; Li, Ya; Baek, Jaejong; A comparison of heuristic algorithms for bus dispatch, 8th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, ICSI 2017, Fukuoka, Japan, 2017-7-27至2017-8-1. EI. Niu, Ben*; Yi, Wenjie; Tan, Lijing; Liu, Jia; Li, Ya; Wang, Hong; Multi-objective comprehensive learning bacterial foraging optimization for portfolio problem, 8th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, ICSI 2017, Fukuoka, Japan, 2017-7-27至2017-8-1. EI. 2016年 Gang Shu, Xia Du, Ya Li*, Surrounding information consideration promotes cooperation in Prisoner’s dilemma game, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2016, 91, 689-694 SCI 2015年 Jie Wu, Xiuling Wang, Jinjin Chen, Gang Shu, Ya Li*, The position of a door can significantly impact on pedestrians' evacuation time in an emergency [J], Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 258(1), 29-35 SCI 2014 Xiuling Wang, Jie Wu, Gang Shu, Ya Li*, Punishment Based on Public Benefit Fund Significantly Promotes Cooperation [J], PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(8): e105126. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105126 SCI Ya Li, Xin Lan, Xinyang Deng, Rehan Sadiq, Yong Deng, Comprehensive consideration of strategy updating promotes cooperation in the prisoner’s dilemma game [J], Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2014, 403, 284–292. SCI Ya Li, Yong Deng, Felix T. S. Chan, Juan Liu, Xinyang Deng, An Improved Method on Group Decision Making Based on Interval-valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Prioritized Operators [J], Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014, 38, 2689-2694. SCI Ya Li, Xiaoge Zhang, Yong Deng, Sankaran Mahadevan, An Evidential DEMATEL Method to Identify Critical Success Factors in Emergency Management [J], Applied Soft Computing, 2014, 22, 504-510. SCI 李娅,邓鑫洋,邓勇,一种新的区间直觉模糊集决策方法:区间证据组合的角度,控制与决策,2014,29(6), 1143-1147. EI Ya Li, Xinyang Deng, Yong Deng, A Multi-attribute Decision Making Method Based on Evidence Theory and Average Operator [J], Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10( 2), 595–601. EI 2012 Ya Li, Yong Deng, FEIFS: A novel multi-attribute decision making approach based on evidential intuitionistic fuzzy sets [J], Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012, 8(8), 3159-3166. EI Ya Li, Yong Deng, Bingyi Kang, A Risk Assessment Methodology Based on Evaluation of Group Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set [J], Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2012, 9(7), 1855-1862. EI Ya Li, Xiaoge Zhang, Yong Deng, Route Selecting with Multi-attributes under Uncertain Environment [J], Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012, 8(23), 9945-9952. EI Ya Li, Yajuan Zhang, Daijun Wei, Yong Deng, Uncertain Information Clustering Based on Distance Between BPAs,Proceedings of the 2012 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, 4002-4005. EI 康兵义,李娅,邓勇,邓鑫洋,章雅娟,基于区间数的基本概率指派生成方法及应用[J],电子学报, 2012, 40(6),1092-1096. EI Juan Liu, F. T. S. Chan, Ya Li, Yajuan Zhang, Yong Deng, A new optimal consensus method with minimum cost in fuzzy group decision. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012, 35, 357-360. SCI Daijun Wei, Juan Liu, Ya Li, Yajuan Zhang, Yong Deng, Critical path selection based on canonical representation on fuzzy variables[J], Jounal of Computational Information Systems, 2012, 8(3), 1311-1316. EI Bingyi Kang, Ya Li, Haixin Zhang, Yong Deng, Ranking Aerial Targets Based on Evidence Theory and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets[J], Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2012, 9(8), 2117-2124. EI